Member Spotlight: Jordan Winkler

You may have heard of a really cool couple named Greg and Sara Fisher who started coming to APCC. Greg happened to be working with my father so Greg invited my father who in turn invited me! I had been serving in youth ministry at another church mentoring high schoolers who had finally grown up (mostly) and moved on to a new chapter of their lives in college and beyond! It was one of the most rewarding experiences in my life and I took the opportunity to start a new chapter for myself as well. I plan to serve in kids’ ministry at APCC to share God’s love and excitement (and patience!) with the kids in our church. I myself accepted Jesus into my life as a kid. After September 11, 2001, I realized Jesus is the only person in control of anything and my childlike mind understood the value of trusting someone else with my life. Did I understand everything? Of course not. But God can redeem anyone with faith as small as a mustard seed.


Family Spotlight: The Marquardts


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