Family Spotlight: The Marquardts

We decided to visit and stay at APCC after hearing a message from Kenji, who was a guest speaker at George Mason CRU. He talked about starting a church plant (APCC) and we felt like God really spoke to us through Kenji's talk that evening. We were looking for a church to plug into as we transitioned out of college and decided to check out Kenji's church. We decided to stay at APCC because we loved APCC's community, how the church lives life together outside of the Sunday service, and how biblically-centered all the teachings are.

Currently, we serve on the Welcome Team. We both have a heart to minister to others through hospitality and building relationships, and have really enjoyed getting to meet people and help them get plugged into the community. We've witnessed first hand how important it is to be involved in the community and feel passionately about helping others get plugged in.


Family Spotlight: The Beckwiths


Member Spotlight: Jordan Winkler