Family Spotlight: The Duans

I, Charlie became a Christian soon after I came to the US in 1987 for graduate school. It is God's people's love and my awareness of my sins that made me accept Jesus Christ as my savior. Through sharing gospel, I met my wife through a mutual friend. Pauline and I feel God's love and blessing in our long time Christian life. My daughter Iris and son Wesley grew up in the Church, and we can say we are God's saved people.

My family (I, my wife and my son) began visiting APCC late 2019. All of us enjoy APCC church a lot. The APCC name first attracted us. We are the same in God's eyes: the sinners but are saved and blessed with his love and mercy. We stay because APCC is the church for all of us. The hope and peacefulness of his people affect us. The communication with Christ is impacting my life and is enhancing my faith in Christ.

As part of the Welcome Team we try to show God's love to other people by showing our blessing and forgiveness from God. We also enjoy participating in Connect Group Bible Study.


Member Spotlight: Jordan Winkler


Family Spotlight: The Fribleys