Family Spotlight: The Smiths

Here's a little bit about us and our faith. We both started following Jesus in college, a bit over ten years ago. While we had both grown up in Christian homes, neither of us really understood the Gospel or our need for a relationship with God until college. For both of us, it was at our respective low points, that Jesus met us. Thankfully, we both had great friends and community that we could walk with and learn from. As time has gone on, our faith and relationship with the Lord looks a lot different than it did then, but we are thankful to be where we are.

We had originally started coming to APCC in 2019. At the time, we wanted to be a part of a church community that welcomed all different peoples, not just people that looked like us or came from the same background as us. APCC quickly became our home as we got plugged in with the Government Center Connect Group. We felt that we could be ourselves at APCC and didn't have to pretend to be perfect followers of Christ, but could come as we are. Getting to be a part of our Connect Group/Equip Group has been such a great blessing as we grow together and hopefully help others grow in the Gospel as well.


Member Spotlight: Zack High


Family Spotlight: The Winklers