Member Spotlight: Zack High

I always love telling the stories of how I became a follower of Christ, and how I found APCC specifically. Both stories have a common theme! In the summer of 2016, I was out playing Pokémon GO, the newly released sensation that had swept the planet, when I met my friend Andre. He invited me to his church, and the sermon for the Sunday service that I attended was about finding pleasure in God rather than in material possessions. This was a topic that applied to me directly, and I felt convicted by the Holy Spirit and resultantly put my faith in Christ later that week. My spiritual life blossomed over the following years, but I eventually reached a point where I was looking for a change. Fast forward to the winter of 2019, when I was out playing Pokémon GO (again) and I met my friend Arnold Cheng, a fellow member of APCC. After exchanging church backgrounds, he invited me to APCC. I attended with curiosity, and I was immediately captivated by the welcoming nature of APCC’s congregants, its strong sense of community, and its mission to make and foster disciples for Christ. After attending a few more times, I decided to become a member! Moral of my spiritual story: God works in mysterious and often humorous ways—in this case through a silly video game!

I serve on the worship team as a percussionist. Playing music has always been one of my favorite ways to express myself. I played the saxophone all throughout middle school, high school, and college, and I loved every second of it. Additionally, my strong sense of internal rhythm (as well as the fact that my dad was a drummer, so it’s “in my blood”) meant I was always drumming on something. After joining APCC and having a conversation with Kirk An, our former worship director, I sat under his direction for a few drum lessons before getting “cut loose” on our worship team, where I have served ever since! Musical worship is my favorite way of communicating with God, so serving on the worship team has been a delightful and fulfilling experience!


Easter Week Photo Series


Family Spotlight: The Smiths