Family Spotlight: The Winklers

We currently enjoy greeting at the front entrance, and helping to set up the coffee/tea hospitality table. This is a great way to meet members of the church, but we will have to relearn everyone’s faces without masks! We attended the Children’s Ministry meeting a few weeks ago, and found ourselves drawn toward a ministry we are familiar with. We have taught 4th grade through 12th grade Sunday School, along with
Pre-K to 2nd grade AWANA programs. It's always a joy to introduce children to the Bible, and walk through its history. In addition, the teaching team provides another small group experience within the church.

Regarding how we found All Peoples. Scott enjoys connecting with Christians at his workplace, and asked Greg Fisher where he attended. Greg, Sarah, and Georgie were kind enough to introduce us to the church family. We were impressed at how everyone was so welcoming, not just the first Sunday but on each following week. We were excited to learn about the Connect Groups. These are not that common in most churches and always provide a great way to study the Word. We wanted a church where you could invite friends and family to hear the Gospel and see the joy of a Christian community. And we have found that at APCC.


Family Spotlight: The Smiths


Family Spotlight: The Goldmans