Family Spotlight: The Hoyts

We decided to visit APCC because we needed to find a church closer to home. At our previous church, we lived too far away to be able to stay connected to our church community, serve consistently, and build meaningful relationships alongside people who actually lived in our community. APCC felt like home almost immediately - we felt so welcomed, pursued, and cared for from the moment we walked in our first week. Not only is the church very gospel-focused and Christ-centered, but we can tell the people who attend truly love Jesus and love others. We love how God is at work through the local church and we are grateful to have found a wonderful church plant that is in our community.

Matt and I both were blessed to be raised in strong Christian homes. Although each of us have had hardships and setbacks, our faith has been deepened through our individual trials. Once we met, God built a solid foundation in our marriage that has helped us weather some strong storms over the last 10+ years. We give all glory to God for providing us each with a firm foundation that we could then build upon together as we began a family of our own. As our children grow, we are so grateful to see how God is using the trials in our family to deepen each of their individual faiths in Jesus. God uses ALL things for our good and His glory even, and especially, the difficult seasons. It hasn't always been easy, but God has been faithful and steadfast!


Member Spotlight: Deanna Zhu


Family Spotlight: The Seos