Family Spotlight: The Jones Family


Hi church family! Raymond and I, Camille, were introduced to APCC by some friends in February of 2021 and have really enjoyed gaining new friends and growing as mature disciples of Christ. Me, self-proclaimed baller from Gary, Indiana, and Raymond, a pragmatist from Christiansburg, Guyana met at Howard University (the mecca). After being paired in an Engineering project we bonded over our love of Christ. Married, we found ourselves at the same tech company focused on work and climbing the corporate ladder, but some years later we felt God had other plans for us. We quit our jobs during the pandemic, headed back to the DMV, and started our journey to becoming Kingdom Builders spreading the message, power, and advancement of God's Kingdom by developing Christian mobile apps and streetwear.

Daniel Dixion's sermon "Like Father Like Son" really spoke directly to our everyday life. He taught that as Christ lived to do only the will of the Father, we should find our true identity in Christ. What identifies us is God's love; a love that leads us to repentance and to pursue the things God loves - pursuing the outcasts and unlovable as Christ did. If we believe in Christ as Lord and that all that He said and proclaimed is true, then we can go to Him for anything and trust in His will. It's only in that faith in the promises and love of God that we can freely commit to marriage even in times of disagreement or leave a comfortable job and believe He will provide because He said so...because God is our Father and we are His children.


Family Spotlight: The McElrath family


Family Spotlight: Tim Cheng